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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 32667, 26 dez. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524302


Introdução:Os pais exercem um importante papel no estabelecimento dos hábitos saudáveis durante a infância.Aoprestarem cuidados bucais necessários às suas crianças, observa-se um significativo resultado na prevenção dos agravos.Objetivo:Identificaroconhecimento materno sobre os cuidados bucais das crianças na primeira infância. Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo de natureza quantitativa do tipo exploratório e observacional. A coleta ocorreu através da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado, com questões sobre o conhecimento materno em relação à higiene bucal, hábitos alimentares, acometimento de cárie e perfil socioeconômico. Realizou-se uma análise descritiva dos dados, seguida de análise bivariada pelo teste do Qui-quadrado de Pearson, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados:Sobre o conhecimento dos cuidados bucais dos filhos, o mesmo encontrou-se insatisfatório em relação à idade em que as crianças devem começar a escovar seus dentes sozinhas,quanto ao uso de escova e docreme dental fluoretado como método de higiene após a erupção do primeiro dente e quanto à inexistência do dente decíduo antes do nascimento dos molares permanentes. Observou-se conhecimento satisfatório em relação à importância de se realizar restauraçãoem dente decíduo acometido por cárie,à idade em que a criança troca os dentes decíduos pelos permanentes e, à realização de algum cuidado bucal (fralda e gaze) antes do nascimento do primeiro dente.Conclusões:Há uma lacuna quanto às orientações de saúde bucal providas pelos dentistasdirecionadas às mães. As mães/gestantes têm o conhecimento adequado sobre os cuidados bucais do bebê, porém, quanto aos cuidados após o nascimento do primeiro dente, os resultados foram desfavoráveis. Faz-se necessário a maior participação do cirurgião-dentista nas consultas de pré-natal e de crescimento e desenvolvimento praticando educaçãoem saúde (AU).

Introduction:Parents play an important role in establishing healthy habits during childhood. Providing necessary oral care to their children significantly contributes to preventing oral health issues.Objective: To verify maternal knowledge about children's oral care in early childhood.Methodology:Thisis a quantitative, exploratoryandobservationalstudy. Data werecollectedthroughtheapplicationof a semistructuredquestionnaire, withquestionsabout maternal knowledgeregarding oral hygiene, eatinghabits, caries involvementandsocioeconomic profile. A descriptivedata analysiswasperformed, followedby a bivariate analysis, usingPearson's chi-square test, considering a 5% significance level. Results:Regardingmothers' knowledge about their children's oral care, it was unsatisfactory in relation to the age at which children should start brushing their teeth by themselves; regarding the use of a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste as hygiene methods, after the first tooth's eruption, and regarding the absence of the deciduous tooth before the permanent molars eruption. Satisfactory knowledge was observed regarding the importance of carrying out restoration in decayed deciduous teeth; the age at which children begin to change deciduous teeth for permanent ones and, carrying out some oral care (fabric and gauze) before the first tooth's eruption. Conclusions:There is a gap in the oral health guidelines provided by dentists, aimed to mothers. The mothers/pregnant women have sufficient knowledge about their baby's oral care, but considering the oral care after the first tooth eruption, the results were critical. It is necessary a greater participation of the dentist in prenatal and growth and development consultations, practicing Health Education (AU).

Introducción: Los padres ejercen un papel importante en el establecimiento de hábitos saludables durante la infancia. Al proporcionar el cuidado bucal necesario a sus hijos, se obtienen resultados importantes en la prevención de enfermedades. Objetivo: Identificar el conocimiento materno sobre el cuidado bucal de los niños en la primera infancia. Metodología:Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de carácter exploratorio yobservacional. La colecta ocurrió mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario semiestructurado, con preguntas sobre conocimientos maternos sobre higiene bucal, hábitos alimentarios, caries y perfil socioeconómico. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos, seguido de un análisis bivariado mediante la prueba Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, considerando un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados:En cuanto al conocimiento sobre el cuidado bucal de los niños, se encontró insatisfactorio en relación a la edad en la que los niños deben comenzar a cepillarse los dientes solos, en cuanto al uso de cepillos dentales y pasta dental fluorada como método de higiene después de la erupción del primer diente y la ausencia de un diente temporal antes del nacimiento de los molares permanentes. Se observó conocimiento satisfactorio sobre la importancia de restaurar un diente temporal afectado por caries, la edad en que el niño cambia los dientes temporales por permanentes y la provisión de algunos cuidados bucales (pañal y gasa) antes del nacimiento del primer diente. Conclusiones:Existe un vacío en la orientación sobre salud bucal proporcionada por los odontólogos dirigida a las madres. Las madres/gestantes tienen conocimientos adecuados sobre el cuidado bucal de su bebé, sin embargo, en relación a los cuidados después del nacimiento del primer diente los resultados fueron desfavorables. Es necesaria una mayor participación del odontólogo en las consultas prenatales y de crecimiento y desarrollo, practicando la educación para la salud (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Oral Hygiene/education , Child Care/psychology , Oral Health/education , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Prevalence Ratio
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31857, 31 ago. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509847


Com o aumento da expectativa de vida, é esperado que a população idosa se faça presente cada dia mais na sociedade. Por esse motivo, é importante reconhecer as necessidades de saúde desse grupo de pessoas que vivem institucionalizadas, para que a odontogeriatria atue de forma mais ativa e proceda de maneira mais efetiva, atendendo as demandas priorizando uma maior qualidade de vida.Objetivo:Identificar as principais alterações que acometem a cavidade oral de idosos institucionalizados. Metodologia:Fez-se uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELOe PubMed. Foram usados os descritores "Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia" junto de seus sinônimos e variações em inglês, retirados do DeCS e MeSH. Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos originais, artigos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, estudos que envolveram pessoas e sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Foram excluídos estudos feitos em animais, revisões de literatura, capítulos de livros, teses e dissertações. Resultados:Foram identificados 555 registros. Desses, 15artigos foram selecionados para compor a revisão. Diversas alterações orais foram encontradas. As principais foram hiperplasia tecidual, estomatite e xerostomia, candidíase e halitose. Sendo os principais fatores causadores: má higiene oral, medicamentos utilizados e má adaptação de próteses dentárias. Conclusões:Considerando os resultados da análise dessa revisão integrativa, pode-se concluir que a hiperplasia tecidual, estomatite, xerostomia são as alterações mais predominantes nos idosos institucionalizados (AU).

With the increase in life expectancy, it is expected that the elderly population will become more and more present in society. For this reason, it is important to recognize the health needs of this group of people who live institutionalized, so that geriatric dentistry acts more actively and proceeds more effectively, meeting the demands prioritizing a better quality of life. Objective:To identify the main alterations that affect the oral cavity of institutionalized elderly.Methodology:An integrative review was carried out in the LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELO and PubMed databases. The descriptors were used "Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia"together with its synonyms and variations in English, taken from DeCS and MeSH. The inclusion criteria were original articles, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, studies involving people and without restriction regarding the year of publication. Animal studies, book chapters,literature review,theses and dissertations were excluded. Results:555 records were identified. Of these, 15articles were selected to compose the review. Several oral alterations were found. The main ones were tissue hyperplasia, stomatitis and xerostomia, candidiasis and halitosis. The main causative factors being: poor oral hygiene, medications used and poor adaptation of dental prostheses.Conclusions:Considering the analysis results of this integrativereview, it can be concluded that tissue hyperplasia, stomatitis, xerostomia are the most predominant changes in institutionalized elderly (AU).

Con el aumento de la esperanza de vida, se espera que la población anciana estécada vez más presente en la sociedad. Por eso, es importante reconocer las necesidades de salud de este grupo de personas que viven institucionalizadas, para que la odontología geriátrica actúe más activamente y proceda con mayor eficacia, atendiendo las demandas priorizando una mejor calidad de vida.Objetivo: Identificar las principales alteraciones que afectan la cavidad oral de ancianos institucionalizados.Metodología: Se realizó una revisión integradora en las bases de datos LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELO y PubMed. Se usaron los descriptores"Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia"Los criterios de inclusión fueron artículos originales, artículos en portugués, inglés y español, estudios involucrando personas y sin restricción en cuantoal año de publicación. Se excluyeron estudios en animales, revision de literatura, capítulos de libros, tesis y disertaciones.Resultados: Se identificaron 555 registros. De estos, 15artículos fueron seleccionados para componer la revisión. Se encontraron varias alteraciones orales. Los principales fueron hiperplasia tisular, estomatitis y xerostomía, candidiasis y halitosis. Siendo los principales factores causales: la mala higiene bucal, los medicamentos utilizados y la mala adaptación de las prótesis dentales.Conclusiones: Considerando los resultados del análisis de esta revisión integrativa, se puede concluir que la hiperplasia tisular, la estomatitis, la xerostomía son las alteraciones más predominantes en los ancianos institucionalizados (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life/psychology , Oral Health/education , Health of Institutionalized Elderly , Health Policy , Mouth/pathology , Social Perception
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31429, 31 ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509658


O tratamento oncológico por meio da quimioterapia e radioterapia consiste em destruir ou impedir o crescimento das células tumorais, visando a cura ou controle da doença. No entanto, esses tratamentos podem ocasionar danos às células saudáveis e consequentes efeitos colaterais, especialmente na cavidade oral, causando alterações como: mucosite, xerostomia, disgeusia, infecções orais, trismo e osteorradionecrose. Objetivo:Sumarizar estudos sobre a importância da prevenção ecuidado das alterações bucais no manejo odontológico a pacientes em tratamento oncológico.Metodologia:Revisão integrativa, a partir da identificação do tema e elaboração da questão norteadora com busca sistematizada da literatura realizada entre os meses de setembro e novembro de 2022. Foram realizadas buscasnas bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Google Acadêmicoe PubMed, excluindo-se artigos publicados há mais de cinco anos.Resultados:Obteve-se uma amostra final de seteestudos, após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão.Houve concordância entre todos eles acerca das alterações bucais durante o tratamento oncológico, enfatizando a necessidade de assistência odontológica nesses pacientes antes, durante e após a terapia antineoplásica, além deminimizar efeitos desta intervenção. Conclusões:A atuação do cirurgião-dentista no cuidado aos pacientes oncológicos tem grande relevância, uma vez que as condições de saúde bucal impactam a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos. Em suma, o presente estudo contribuino entendimento das alterações bucais e cuidados para o bem-estar do paciente (AU).

Oncologicaltreatment through chemotherapy and radiotherapy consists of destroying or preventing the growth of tumor cells, aiming at curing or controlling the disease. However, these treatments can cause damage to healthy cells and consequent side effects, especially in the oral cavity, causing changes such as: mucositis, xerostomia, dysgeusia, oral infections, trismus and osteoradionecrosis. Objective:To summarize studies on the importance of prevention and care for oral changes in the dental management for patients undergoing oncologicaltreatment.Methodology:Integrative reviewfrom theidentification of the theme and elaboration of the guiding question with a systematic search of the literature carried out between September and November 2022. They were carried out searchesin the Virtual Health Librarydatabase, Google Scholar and PubMed, excluding articles published more than five years ago.Results:A final sample of 07 studies was obtained, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. There was agreement among all of them about oral changes during cancer treatment, emphasizing the need for dental care in these patients before, during and after antineoplastic therapy, in addition to minimizing the effects of this intervention.Conclusions:The performance of the dental surgeon in the care of cancer patients is of great relevance, since oral health conditions impact the quality of life of these individuals. In short, the presentstudy contributesto the of oral changesand care for the patient's well-being (AU).

El tratamiento oncológicopor mediodequimioterapia y radioterapia consiste en destruir o impedir el crecimiento de las células tumorales, visando lacurar o controla de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, estos tratamientos pueden causar daño a las células sanasy en consecuenciaefectos secundarios, especialmenteen la cavidad oral, causandoalteraciones como: mucositis, xerostomía, disgeusia, infecciones orales, trismoy osteorradionecrosis.Objetivo: Resumir estudios acerca de la importancia de la prevención y cuidados de las alteracionesorales en el manejo dental apacientes en tratamiento oncológico.Metodología: Revisión integrativa, apartir de la identificación detema y elaboración de la pregunta guía con buscasistematizadade la literatura realizada entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre de 2022. Fueron realizadas búsquedas en las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Google Académico y PubMed, excluyéndoseartículos publicados hace más de cinco años. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra final de siete estudios, después aplicaciones de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Hubo concordancia entre todos acerca de las alteracionesorales durante el tratamiento oncológico, enfatizando la necesidad de asistencia odontológica en esespacientes antes, durante y después de la terapia antineoplásica, además de minimizar efectos de esta intervención.Conclusiones: La actuación del cirujano dentistaen el cuidado a lospacientes oncológicos tienegran relevancia, una vez que las condiciones de salud oral impactan la calidad de vida de los individuos. En suma, el presente estudio contribuyeen el entendimientode las alteraciones orales y cuidados para el bienestar del paciente (AU).

Oral Health/education , Dental Care , Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Antineoplastic Agents
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(1): [9], abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440165


Fundamentación: En el período de gestación el organismo de la mujer sufre modificaciones, transformaciones fisiológicas y psicológicas, además de cambios en los tejidos bucales y cambios de conducta que pueden iniciar enfermedades bucodentales o agravar las ya establecidas. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del programa educativo "Sonrisas desde el vientre" en embarazadas del Hogar Materno Isabel María de Valdivia en Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio preexperimental, con diseño antes y después en el período de enero a junio del 2022, la población estuvo constituida por 20 embarazadas ingresadas en el Hogar Materno Isabel María de Valdivia en Sancti Spíritus. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico (encuesta) y estadísticos. Se midió la variable conocimiento sobre salud bucodental. Resultados: Los conocimientos antes de la aplicación de programa educativo eran insuficientes (65 %), después de aplicado el programa educativo el 75 % de las embarazadas presentó conocimientos suficientes. Conclusiones: Al culminar la implementación del programa educativo "Sonrisas desde el vientre", se logró un nivel de conocimiento suficiente sobre salud bucodental en la tercera parte de las embarazadas de este hogar materno.

Background: During pregnancy, the women's body goes through many changes, physiological and psychological transformations, as well as changes in the oral cavity tissues and behavioral changes that may initiate oral diseases or aggravate the stablished ones. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program "Smile from the Womb" among pregnant women at the Isabel María de Valdivia Maternity Home in Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: A pre-experimental study with a before and after design was conducted from January to June 2022, the population consisted of 20 pregnant women hospitalized at Isabel María de Valdivia Maternity Home in Sancti Spíritus. Theoretical, empirical (survey) and statistical methods were used. The variable oral health knowledge was measured. Results: Before applying the educational program the knowledge was insufficient (65%), after applying the educational program 75% of pregnant women showed sufficient knowledge. Conclusions: By the end of the "Smile from the Womb" educational program, one third of the pregnant women in this maternity home had achieved a sufficient level of knowledge about oral and dental health.

Dental Health Surveys/methods , Oral Health/education , Health Education, Dental/methods , Pregnant Women/education
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220103, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529114


ABSTRACT Objective: To measure the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) and compare children with and without parental care. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 160 schoolchildren with parental care and 100 orphans in Kerman, Iran. After fulfilling the questionnaire voluntarily, a clinical examination was performed, and indices such as decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT), molar-incisor hypoplasia (MIH), modified gingival index (MGI), traumatic dental injury (TDI), and malocclusion were recorded. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 25 via the ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient test, Chi-Square test, and descriptive statistics. Results: Children without parents scored poorly for OHQRoL items compared to those with parents (p<0.001). DMFT was not significantly related to OHRQoL; however, missing teeth were correlated with the CPQ11-14 overall. Also, the TDI index had a significant relationship with CPQ mean score (p=0.02). Moreover, the difference in the mean CPQ11-14 score in children with TDI in the two groups was significant regarding the quality of life (0.031). Conclusion: OHRQoL differed significantly between children in the two groups, which can be influenced by gender and habits. Due to the vulnerability of welfare-supported children without parental care, these findings emphasize the value of preventive and health-promoting measures for this group of children.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Quality of Life/psychology , Oral Health/education , Child Health , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Iran/epidemiology
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529123


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the relationship between the quality of life and work ability related to the oral health status of patients with chronic liver diseases. Material and Methods: The sample size contains all patients referred to the internal ward of Afzalipour and Bahonar hospitals due to chronic liver disease from 2019 to 2020. Patient selection was based on a simple census and a questionnaire that contained characteristics information of the patient, Work Ability Index questionnaire and SF-36 questionnaire were completed by the patients and some information was extracted from medical file. The SF-36 questionnaire assesses the quality of life in two general dimensions (physical health and mental health) with the physical function subscale. DMFT, Gingival index, and Periodontal disease index are used to evaluate the severity and extent of gingivitis and periodontitis. For data analysis, ANOVA, Spearman correlation coefficients were used and the significant level was p<0.05. Results: a total of 108 patients were examined. The mean age of participants was 41.2 ± 4.3 years. The DMFT index in patients was also reported as 22.6 ± 7.35. Also, 32.4% of people described their ability to do work as poor, 21.3% as good, and 7.4% as excellent. Patients with poor or moderate workability reported a higher index of DMFT. Among the participants, 61 and 21 patients had gingivitis and periodontitis, respectively. Mean results of total SF-36 indices were reported at a low level in patients with increased DMFT and gum diseases. Patients with poor or moderate workability had a higher index of DMFT. There was a significant relationship between these two variables (p=0.001). However, they were not significantly associated with periodontitis. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the SF-36 index, the ability to work and the type of liver disease.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life/psychology , Oral Health/education , Digestive System Diseases/pathology , Psychological Well-Being/psychology , Periodontal Index , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220073, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529128


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental caries in children aged five years in a Northeast Brazilian Capital (Fortaleza, CE) and its association with sociodemographic conditions, presence of malocclusion, and gingival bleeding. Material and Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study carried out in a representative sample of 3,582 children aged five years in the city of Fortaleza-CE. Data was collected in public and private schools distributed in the city's Regional Health Coordination (CORES). Each of the six CORES worked with five field teams, participating in inter-examiner training and calibration with a final KAPPA coefficient of 0.87. Data were collected using a clinical form adapted from the SB Brasil 2010 questionnaire on sociodemographic conditions. The indices of dmft, need for treatment, malocclusion, and gingival bleeding were used for oral health conditions. The data were submitted to Pearson's Chi-square or Fisher's Exact tests, and the variables that show values of p<0.05 were submitted to a multinomial logistic regression model (forward stepwise model). Results: 57.1% of children were caries-free, and the mean dmft-d was 1.65 (1.65±2.65). CORES I and VI were the ones that presented the most significant association with caries attacks in all primary molars. The highest percentage of caries in the 2nd upper molar (60.6%), 1st lower molar (59%), and 2nd lower molar (58.8%) were found in children with normal occlusion. There was a significant association between gingival bleeding and caries in all molars and the need for treatment. Conclusion: These results allow us to observe that the prevalence of dental caries in 5-year-old children in Fortaleza is low, although with a tendency to increase.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Periodontal Index , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Demography , DMF Index , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Observational Study
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448799


ABSTRACT Objective: To associate caregivers' sense of coherence (SOC) and untreated caries with oral health status in children covered by a dental public health system. Material and Methods: A convenience sample of caregivers/children in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, was surveyed. Caregivers' SOC was evaluated using the 13-question version questionnaire. For both caregivers/children, sociodemographic information was acquired and caries experience was evaluated by DMFT/dmft and PUFA/pufa index. Statistical associations between children's untreated carious teeth and interest variables from the caregivers were evaluated by binary logistic regression assessed by generalized linear modeling. Results: A total of 233 pairs of caregivers-children were included. Children's untreated permanent and primary carious teeth represented 34.8% and 62.2% of the caries experience, respectively and at least one PUFA/pufa scored tooth was detected in 22.7% of them. Caregivers' DMFT was 13.5±7.0, while 33.6% scored on PUFA. A total of 62.1% of them presented untreated carious lesions. Results from the univariate model, correlating children's untreated caries and caregivers' attributes showed a statistical significance for SOC values (p<0.015), untreated decayed teeth (p<0.035), self-perception of oral health (p<0.022) and oral impact on daily performance (p<0.010). The multivariate logistic first model kept the statistical significance only for the caregiver's untreated decayed teeth. Conclusion: Caregivers' SOC and untreated carious teeth could be used as indicators of dental treatment needs in their offspring.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Sense of Coherence , Health Policy , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Social Perception , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448805


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the potential determinants of tobacco counseling implementation among oral health professionals in India. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among the 298 dentists of Aligarh and Gwalior. The questionnaire used in the study had sections on dentists' sociodemographic data and a 35-item questionnaire to assess the potential determinants of tobacco cessation counseling. Descriptive statistics were carried out, and a Chi-square test was utilized to determine the association. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Domains "knowledge", "Professional Responsibility and Identity", and "Remembrance, awareness, and judgment" showed a statistically significant correlation with most tobacco cessation counseling behaviors. In addition, undergraduate education received in Tobacco Cessation counseling, and Continuing education received in Tobacco Cessation counseling had significantly impacted the practice of tobacco cessation counseling (p=0.02 and 0.04, respectively). Conclusion: This study suggests that "Knowledge", "Professional Responsibility and Identity" and "Remembrance, awareness, and judgment" are the potential determinants that could be used to design effective strategies to enhance tobacco counseling among dentists in India.

Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco/adverse effects , Oral Health/education , Tobacco Use Cessation , Tobacco Use Disorder/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Policy , India/epidemiology
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220002, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448792


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the oral health of adolescents who participated in an oral health preventive program during the first decade of life. Material and Methods: For the evaluation of dental caries and gingival condition, DMFT and Community Periodontal Index were used, both recommended by the World Health Organization. To verify the occurrence of dental fluorosis, the Dean index was used. Results: Data collection was obtained from 252 patients aged 12 to 16 years. The average DMFT index was 1.14; in relation to the gingival condition, the index of healthy gingival tissue prevailed and the average of this value was 84%, with code 0 being more registered in tooth 11, code 1, more frequently in teeth 16/17 and 36/37 and for last, code 2, in tooth 31 most frequently. Dean's index showed a percentage of 89% of patients without clinical signs of dental fluorosis. Conclusion: Adolescents participating in an oral health preventive program in the first decade of life exhibited very satisfactory results regarding the prevention of caries disease, healthy periodontal condition and reduced prevalence of dental fluorosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Periodontal Index , Oral Health/education , Preventive Dentistry , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Fluorosis, Dental/prevention & control , DMF Index
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(3): [9], dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440157


Fundamentación: Las embarazadas constituyen un grupo poblacional vulnerable a varios problemas de salud, entre ellos los del componente bucal, debido en parte al desconocimiento de los factores que los propician y las modificaciones que ocurren en este periodo. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas y autopercepción de salud bucal en embarazadas del Consultorio San Pedro en Trinidad. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal de septiembre del 2020 a febrero del 2021. Se seleccionaron las 57 pacientes embarazadas del Consultorio Médico de las Familias de San Pedro, Trinidad. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, nivel de conocimiento, actitudes, prácticas y autopercepción de salud bucal. Resultados: Se constató un insuficiente nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal en el 47.4 % de las embarazadas, el 70.2 % con actitud desfavorable, el 63.2 % con prácticas deficientes y el 68.4 % con baja autopercepción sobre salud bucal. Conclusiones: Menos de la mitad de las embarazadas presentó un bajo nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal y más de la mitad, una actitud desfavorable, prácticas deficientes y baja autopercepción sobre salud bucal.

Background: Pregnant women constitute a population group vulnerable to several health problems, including those from the oral component, partially due to lack of knowledge on factors that cause them and changes that occur during this period. Objective: To identify the level of knowledge, attitudes, practices and self-perception on oral health in pregnant women at the San Pedro Doctor´s Office in Trinidad. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted from September 2020 to February 2021. 57 pregnant patients were selected from the San Pedro Doctor´s Office in Trinidad. The following variables were studied: age, level of knowledge, attitudes, practices and self-perception on oral health. Results: Insufficient oral health knowledge was found in 47.4 % of pregnant women, 70.2 % with non-favorable attitudes, 63.2 % with poor practices and 68.4 % with low self-perception on oral health. Conclusions: Less than half of pregnant women had a low level on oral health knowledge and more than half had non-favorable attitudes, poor practices and low self-perception on oral health.

Pregnancy , Attitude , Oral Health/education
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 671-680, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399318


O pré-natal odontológico vem sendo alvo de ações estratégicas na atenção básica. É necessária a compressão que a mulher em período gestacional necessita de cuidados bucais, por esse fato o pré-natal necessita de reforços para o estabelecimento efetivo na atenção básica de forma a ser desmistificado na odontologia, e possibilitar que o cirurgião-dentista possa ser integrado com as ações voltadas para a saúde gestacional. Diante disso objetiva-se relatar sobre o pré-natal odontológico, e abordar sobre a contribuição da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) nesse contexto, atuação multidisciplinar, e importância da educação e capacitação para desmistificação do atendimento a gestantes. Para isso foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas Scielo, portal BVS e Google Acadêmico. É visto ainda há baixa adesão das gestantes ao atendimento odontológico, embora haja uma notória representação da ESF na universalização desse cuidado. A equipe multidisciplinar no atendimento de gestantes parece colaborar para a motivação do atendimento, e fundamentar ações estratégicas interdisciplinares. Ainda é importante ressaltar que o conhecimento sobre os aspectos norteadores da gestação tem papel fundamental para desmistificar o atendimento odontológico e preparar os profissionais. Infere-se que o pré-natal odontológico vem ganhando expressividade, onde as ações da ESF, a atuação da equipe multidisciplinar e a ampliação do conhecimento acerca do assunto podem influenciar positivamente para a adesão desse grupo.

Dental prenatal care has been the target of strategic actions in primary care. It is necessary the compression that women in gestational period need oral care, for this reason prenatal care requires reinforcements for the effective establishment in primary care in order to be demystified in dentistry, and enable the dentist to be integrated with actions aimed at gestational health. Therefore, the objective is to report on dental prenatal care, and to address the contribution of the Family Strategy Health (ESF) in this context, multidisciplinary work, and the importance of education and training to demystify the care for pregnant women. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the electronic databases Scielo, BVS portal and Google Scholar. It is seen that there is still low adherence of pregnant women to dental care, although there is a notorious representation of the ESF in the universalization of this care. A multidisciplinary team in the care of pregnant women seems to collaborate to motivate care, and to fundamentalize interdisciplinary strategic actions. It is also important to emphasize that knowledge about the guiding aspects of pregnancy has a fundamental role to demystify dental care and prepare professionals. It is inferred that prenatal in the dentistry has been gaining expressiveness, where the actions of the ESF, the performance of the multidisciplinary team and the expansion of knowledge on the subject can lead positively to the adhesion of this group.

La atención prenatal dental ha sido objeto de acciones estratégicas en la atención primaria. Es necesario que la mujer en el período de gestación necesite cuidados bucales, por lo que el prenatal necesita refuerzos para el establecimiento efectivo de la atención básica de forma que sea desmitificado en la odontología, y que la cirugía-dentista pueda integrarse con las acciones volcadas a la salud gestacional. Por ello, el objetivo es informar sobre la atención prenatal odontológica y abordar la contribución de la Estrategia de Salud Familiar (ESF) en este contexto, la actuación multidisciplinar y la importancia de la educación y la formación para desmitificar la atención a las embarazadas. Para ello, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico en las bases de datos electrónicas Scielo, portal BVS y Google Acadêmico. Aún así, se observa una baja adhesión de las gestantes a la atención odontológica, aunque hay una notable representación del FSE en la universalización de este cuidado. El equipo multidisciplinar en la atención a la mujer embarazada parece colaborar a la motivación de los cuidados, y basar las acciones estratégicas interdisciplinares. También es importante destacar que el conocimiento de los aspectos orientativos del embarazo desempeña un papel fundamental en la desmitificación de la atención odontológica y la preparación de los profesionales. Se infiere que el prenatal odontológico viene ganando expresividad, donde las acciones de la ESF, la actuación del equipo multidisciplinario y la ampliación del conocimiento sobre el tema pueden influir positivamente en la adherencia de este grupo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care , National Health Strategies , Pregnant Women/education , Dentists/education , Primary Health Care , Women/education , Oral Health/education , Women's Health , Dental Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Knowledge , Dentistry , Libraries, Digital
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530160


Introducción: La salud bucal es uno de los factores que pueden influir negativamente en el control de las enfermedades reumáticas; los procesos inflamatorios e infecciosos constituyen las principales alteraciones de la salud bucal en estos pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar la salud bucal de los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación básica, no experimental y descriptiva de un universo de 136 pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas atendidos en el Hospital General Andino de Chimborazo durante el periodo diciembre de 2021 a abril de 2022. A cada uno de ellos se le realizó un examen bucal general para identificar las alteraciones de la salud bucal presentes en cada caso. Se estudiaron las variables características generales de los pacientes (edad, sexo, enfermedad reumática y tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad) y la variable salud bucal (presencia de afecciones bucales, tipo de afección bucal, frecuencia de asistencia a controles odontológicos y nivel de salud bucal). Resultados: Promedio de edad de 51,23 años, predominio de pacientes femeninas (78,68 por ciento), con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide (77,20 por ciento) y tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad reumática inferior a 5 años (44,12 por ciento). El 72,80 por ciento de los pacientes presentó al menos una enfermedad bucal. La adentia parcial o total (61,62 por ciento) y la presencia de caries dentales (52,52 por ciento) fueron las de mayor frecuencia. El 30,88 por ciento de los pacientes solo acudió a control odontológico ante la presencia de dolor y en el 71,32 por ciento se consideró la salud bucal como inadecuada. Conclusiones: Se identificó un elevado porcentaje de pacientes con enfermedad reumática y al menos una afección bucal. Existió predominio de pacientes que solo acuden a consulta odontológica ante la presencia de una urgencia o emergencia. La salud bucal de los pacientes es inadecuada(AU)

Introduction: Oral health has been identified as one of the factors that can negatively influence the control of chronic diseases such as rheumatic diseases; Inflammatory and infectious processes constitute the main alterations of oral health in patients with this type of disease. Objective: To evaluate the oral health of patients with rheumatic diseases treated at the Hospital General Andino de Chimborazo. Methods: A basic, non-experimental and descriptive research was carried out with a universe of 169 patients with rheumatic diseases treated at the Andean General Hospital of Chimborazo during the period December 2021 - April 2022. The sample was made up of 136 patients who met the inclusion criteria defined for the research. Each of them underwent a general oral examination to identify the oral health alterations present in each case. Results: Average age of 51.23 years, predominance of female patients (78.68 percent), diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (77.20 percent) and evolution time of rheumatic disease less than 5 years (44.12 percent). 72.80 percent of the patients presented at least one oral disease. Partial or total adentia (61.62 percent) and the presence of dental caries (52.52 percent) were the most frequently identified. 30.88 percent of patients only go to dental control in the presence of pain and in 71.32 percent oral health was considered inadequate. Conclusions: A high percentage of patients with rheumatic disease who presented at least one oral condition was identified. There was a predominance of patients who only attend a dental consultation in the presence of an urgency or emergency. The oral health of the patients is inadequate(AU)

Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/diagnostic imaging , Health Services Research/methods
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(2): 2352, mayo.-ago. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404912


RESUMEN Fundamento: La diabetes mellitus y la enfermedad periodontal tienen una relación bidireccional, siendo la prevención la herramienta indispensable para lograr el mejoramiento del nivel de salud bucal. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de la enfermedad periodontal en pacientes diabéticos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal de septiembre de 2019 a abril de 2020 en la población diabética de 19 a 40 años del Consultorio Médico de Familia n.o 11 del área de salud de Zaza del Medio perteneciente al municipio Taguasco, provincia Sancti Spíritus. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, nivel de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre salud bucal. Resultados: En el 67.9 % de los pacientes se observó bajo nivel de conocimientos sobre la enfermedad periodontal, actitud desfavorable el 78.6 % y prácticas deficientes el 57.1 %. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes diabéticos presentó bajo nivel de conocimientos, actitud desfavorable y prácticas deficientes para lograr la salud periodontal.

ABSTRACT Background: Diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease have a bidirectional relationship, being prevention the essential tool to achieve an improvement in the level of oral health. Objective: To identify the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of periodontal disease in diabetic patients. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted from September 2019 to April 2020 in the diabetic population aged 19 to 40 years at the doctor´s office 11 in Zaza del Medio health area of Taguasco municipality in Sancti Spíritus province. The variables age, sex, level of knowledge, attitudes and practices on oral health were studied. Results: 67.9 % of the patients had a low level of knowledge about periodontal disease, 78.6 % had an unfavorable attitude and 57.1 % had deficient practices. Conclusions: The majority of diabetic patients presented low level of knowledge, non-favorable attitude and poor practices to accomplish periodontal health.

Periodontal Diseases , Periodontal Diseases/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health/education , Diabetes Mellitus
Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(1): [10], abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404898


RESUMEN Fundamento: En escolares de grado están presentes enfermedades bucales y se realizan acciones curativas, mientras que las educativas precedidas de un diagnóstico educativo, son deficientes e insuficientes. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas sobre salud bucal y la eficiencia del cepillado bucodental en los escolares de grado. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal durante el curso 2020-2021 de la Escuela Primaria Pepito Tey del municipio Trinidad, provincia Sancti Spíritus, con la totalidad (71) de los escolares de grado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: conocimientos, prácticas, actitudes sobre salud bucal y eficiencia del cepillado bucodental. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático con la aplicación de un cuestionario y una guía de entrevista, para la eficiencia del cepillado se determinó el Índice de Love. Resultados: Se constató el 71.8 % de los escolares con conocimientos insuficientes, el 74.6 % con actitud desfavorable y el 81.7 % con prácticas insuficientes sobre salud bucal, así como el 93 % con cepillado bucodental no eficiente. Conclusiones: Más de la tercera parte de los escolares tuvo conocimientos insuficientes, actitudes no favorables y prácticas insuficientes de salud bucal y la mayoría un cepillado no eficiente.

ABSTRACT Background: Oral diseases and curative actions are present in 4th grade schoolchildren while educational actions preceded by an educational diagnosis are deficient and insufficient. Objective: To identify the knowledge, attitudes, practices on oral health and the efficiency of Oral brushing in 4th grade schoolchildren. Methodology: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during the 2020-2021 academic course at Pepito Tey primary school in Trinidad city, in Sancti Spíritus province, with all (71) of the 4th grade students. The variables studied were: knowledge, practices, attitudes about oral health and efficiency of oral brushing. Some methods from the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used with the application of a questionnaire and an interview guide, for brushing efficiency. Results: 71.8 % of schoolchildren with insufficient knowledge were found, 74.6 % with an unfavorable attitude and 81.7 % with insufficient practices on oral health, as well as the 93 % with inefficient oral brushing. Conclusions: More than a third of the schoolchildren had insufficient knowledge, unfavorable attitudes and insufficient practices of oral health and most brushing is not efficient.

Oral Hygiene/education , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health/education , Health Education, Dental , Dental Care for Children , Diagnosis, Oral/education
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(1)abr. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386580


Abstract Currently, oral health issues are increasingly been addressed and virtual reality (VR) is being used as an aid in health areas. However, there is little evidence of VR being used in preventing oral health problems. To evaluate the effectiveness of VR in oral hygiene education. Three hundred pupils, aged between 9 and 12 years, received instructions in oral hygiene by immersion VR and they gave their opinions about the performed activities. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were applied, with a significance level of 5%. Part perception of oral hygiene showed no statistically significant difference (P>0.550). There was an increase in the use of dental floss (P<0.001), tongue brushing (P<0.001), and tooth brushing (P<0.001). Both drawings and comments made by participants related to oral hygiene were positive regarding the project. Conclusions: The use of VR in oral hygiene instruction was effective. Most participants increased brushing and flossing frequency and produced drawings related to oral hygiene. VR is effective and should be used in dentistry for teaching and prevention , especially with children, as it presents an interactive instructional space that can be approached in a playful way. This study presents dentists with a promising alternative for changing oral hygiene habits.

Resumen Actualmente, los problemas de salud bucal se abordan cada vez más y la realidad virtual (RV) se utiliza como ayuda en las áreas de salud. Sin embargo, hay poca evidencia de que la RV se utilice para prevenir problemas de salud bucal. Evaluar la efectividad de la RV en la educación en higiene bucal. Trescientos alumnos, con edades comprendidas entre los 9 y los 12 años, recibieron instrucciones en higiene bucal por inmersión VR y opinaron sobre las actividades realizadas. Se aplicaron las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado y exacta de Fisher, con un nivel de significancia del 5%. La percepción parcial de la higiene bucal no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P>0,550). Hubo un aumento en el uso de hilo dental (P<0,001), cepillado de la lengua (P<0,001) y cepillado de dientes (P<0,001). Tanto los dibujos como los comentarios de los participantes relacionados con la higiene bucal fueron positivos con respecto al proyecto. Conclusiones: El uso de la RV en la instrucción de higiene bucal fue eficaz. La mayoría de los participantes aumentaron la frecuencia de cepillado y uso del hilo dental y produjeron dibujos relacionados con la higiene bucal. La realidad virtual es eficaz y debe utilizarse en odontología para la enseñanza y la prevención, especialmente con los niños, ya que presenta un espacio educativo interactivo que se puede abordar de manera lúdica. Este estudio presenta a los odontólogos una alternativa prometedora para cambiar los hábitos de higiene bucal.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Oral Health/education , Virtual Reality , School Health Services
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 8(2): e27191, mar. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1368170


Introdução: Por muitos anos a saúde bucal esteve à margem das políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil. Em 2004, com a criação da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal, houve uma proposta de reorganização do cuidado em todos os níveis de atenção no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde. Quando avalia-se a qualidade da atenção em populações específicas, a análise dos indicadores torna-se cada vez mais escassa, o que impacta diretamente no financiamento das equipes da atenção básica, já que com a ascensão do novo modelo de financiamento, o Previne Brasil (Portaria n° 2.979/2019), alteram-se algumas formas de repasse para os municípios. Objetivo:Investigar o cuidado odontológico durante a gravidez sob a ótica dos resultados do Previne Brasil, com recorte temporal dos três últimos quadrimestres do ano de 2020, no município de Belém, no Pará. Metodologia:Estudo de natureza descritiva baseado nos dados disponíveis para domínio público provenientes do Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica. Estes dados foram tabulados no software Microsoft Excel®. A análise dos dados se deu com base no referencial teórico disponível na Scientific Electronic Library Onlinee de documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde. Resultados:Belém possui 23,94% de cobertura de saúde bucal, com uma população que ultrapassou um milhão de habitantes. Quando se analisa a proporção de gestantes com atendimento odontológico realizado, Belém apresentou 4%, 3% e 5% respectivamente, em cada quadrimestre de 2020. Conclusões:Os dados revelam que para alcançar um nível satisfatório no acesso e oferta de serviços odontológicos no município amazônico, deve haver um fortalecimento e expansão das políticas públicas de saúde bucal, não excluindo a atenção às linhas de cuidado presentes na Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal, como as gestantes (AU).

Introduction:For several years, oral health had been on the fringe of public policies in Brazil. In 2004, with the establishment of the National Policy for Oral Health, there had been a proposal for reorganization of care in every assistance level in the scope of the Brazilian National Health System. When the quality of assistance to specific populations is availed, the analysis of the indexes becomes increasingly scarce, what directly affects the funding of primary care teams, as with the ascension of the new model of funding, the Previne Brasil (Directive nº 2.979/2019), some forms of transfer to municipalities are changed.Objective:Investigate the dental care during pregnancy under the perspective of the results of Previne Brasil, using the time frame of the three latter four-month periods of 2020, in the city of Belém, in Pará. Methodology: Descriptive study based on the data available for public domain from the Basic Care Information System. These data were tabulated on the Microsoft Excel® software. The data analysis had been done based on the theoretical framework available at the Scientific Electronic Library Online and on official documents from the Ministry of Health. Results: Belém has 23,94% of oral health coverage, with a population that has surpassed 1 million inhabitants. When the proportion of pregnant women with dental assistance is analyzed, Belém presented 4%, 3%, and 5% respectively, in each four-month period of 2020. Conclusions:The data revealed that to reach a satisfactory level of access and supply of dental health services in the Amazonian city, there must be strengthening and expansion of oral health public policies, without excluding the attention to the care lines contained on the National Policy for Oral Health, such as the pregnant women (AU).

Introducción:Durante muchos años, la salud bucal estuvo al margen de las políticas de salud pública en Brasil. En 2004, con la creación de la Política Nacional de Salud Bucal, se propuso reorganizar el cuidado en todos los niveles de atención dentro del Sistema Único de Salud. Al evaluar la calidad de la atención en poblaciones específicas, el análisis de indicadores se vuelve cada vez más escaso, lo que impacta directamente en el financiamiento de los equipos de atención primaria, ya que con el surgimiento del nuevo modelo de financiamiento, Previne Brasil (Ordenanza No. 2979/2019), algunos Se modifican las formas de transferencia a los municipios.Objetivo:Investigar la atención odontológica duranteel embarazo desde la perspectiva de los resultados de Previne Brasil, con un marco temporal de los últimos tres trimestres del año 2020, en la ciudad de Belém, en el estado de Pará. Metodología:Estudio descriptivo basado en datos disponibles para el dominio público del Sistema de Información de Atención Primaria. Estos datos se tabularon en el software Microsoft Excel®. El análisis de los datos se basó en el marco teórico disponible en la Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea y documentos oficiales del Ministerio de Salud. Resultados:Belém posee el 23,94% de cobertura de salud bucodental, con una población que supera un millón de habitantes. Al analizar la proporción de embarazadas con atención odontológica, Belém presentó 4%, 3% y 5%, respectivamente, en cada cuatrimestre de 2020. Conclusiones:Los datos muestran que para alcanzar un nivel satisfactorio de acceso y oferta de servicios odontológicos en el municipio amazónico, se debe fortalecer y ampliar las políticas públicas de salud bucal, sin excluir la atención a las líneas de cuidado presentes en la Política Nacional de Salud Bucal, como las mujeres embarazadas (AU).

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Primary Health Care , Brazil/epidemiology , Oral Health/education , Dental Care/instrumentation , Pregnant Women , Quality of Health Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Health Policy
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 8(2): e26130, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1368659


Introdução:Em contexto pandêmico do COVID-19, a teleodontologia pode desempenhar um papel fundamental no cuidado de problemas de saúde bucal principalmente na identificação precoce com critérios de prioridades em casos de urgência e emergência. Através dela é possível diagnosticar e prestar atendimento às pessoas infectadas pelo SARS-CoV-2 sem colocar em risco de infecção a equipe de profissionais que prestarão os serviços.Objetivo:Analisar experiências internacionais do uso da teleodontologia no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 e sua aplicabilidade na Atenção Primária à Saúde, destacando possíveis dificuldades de sua implementação, bem como suas potencialidades e limitações.Metodologia:Uma revisão integrativa foi conduzida mediante as seis fases preconizadas do processo de elaboração. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, SciELO, Paho, Cochrane e Wholis no período de 14 a 20 de julho de 2020. Foram selecionados artigos que abordassem experiências internacionais, no âmbito público ou privado, do uso da teleodontologia nos protocolos de atendimento odontológico.Resultados:Seis estudos foram analisados. A revisão dos artigos destacou a importância da teleodontologia como ferramenta de saúde alternativa para antecipar diagnósticos e diminuir necessidades em saúde bucal, além de contribuir para controle de disseminação viral no contexto da pandemia do COVID-19.Conclusões:Ainda se impõe como um desafio a aplicação da teleodontologia durante a pandemia de COVID-19 na Atenção Primária à Saúde, devido aos limites estruturais e financeiros que o Sistema Único de Saúde apresenta. No entanto, a partir desta revisão integrativa e de experiências internacionais aqui estudadas, observou-se que há viabilidade de implementação da teleodontologia nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do país (AU).

Introduction:In the COVID-19 pandemic context, teledentistry can play a fundamental role in oral health treatment, especially in early identification and priority determination of urgent and emergency cases. Through it, it is possible to diagnose and provide care to people infected with SARS-CoV-2 without putting the team of professionals who will provide the services at risk of infection.Objective:To analyze international experiences in the use of teledentistry in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its applicability in Primary Health Care, highlighting possible difficulties in its implementation, as well as its potential and limitations.Methodology:An integrative review was conducted through the six recommended phases of the elaboration process. Searches were performed in the PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, SciELO, Paho, Cochrane and Wholis databases, from July 14 to 20, 2020. Articles that addressed international experiences, in the public or private sphere,of the use of teledentistry in dental care protocols were selected.Results:Six studies were analyzed. The review of the articles highlighted the importance of teledentistry as an alternative health tool to anticipate diagnoses and reduce needs in oral health, in addition to contributing to the control of viral spread in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Conclusions:The application of teledentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian Primary Health Care is still a challenge, due to the structural and financial limits that its Unified Health System presents. However, from this integrative review and international experiences studied here, we observe that there is feasibility of implementing teledentistry in Brazilian Basic Health Units (AU).

Introducción: En el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19, la teleodontología puede desempeñar un papel importante en el cuidado de la salud bucal, sobretodo en la detección precoz de los problemas, con criterios de prioridad en casos de urgencia y emergencia. Por medio de ella, es posible diagnosticar y brindar atención a las personas infectadas por el SARS-CoV-2 sin poner en riesgo de infección al equipo de profesionales que realizarán los servicios. Objetivo: Analizar experiencias internacionales del uso de la teleodontología en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19 y su aplicabilidad en la atención primaria de la salud, resaltando posibles dificultades de implementación, así como sus potencialidades y limitaciones. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión integrativa a través de las seis fases recomendadas del proceso de elaboración. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, SciELO, Paho, Cochrane y Wholis del 14 al 20 de julio de 2020. Se seleccionaron artículos que abordaran experiencias internacionales, en el ámbito público o privado, en el uso de la teleodontología en los protocolos de atención odontológica. Resultados: Se analizaron seis estudios. La revisión de los artículos destacó la importancia de la teleodontología como herramientade salud alternativa para anticipar diagnósticos y reducir necesidades en salud bucal, además de contribuir al control de la propagación viral en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.Conclusiones: La aplicación de la teleodontología durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en la Atención Primaria de la Salud sigue siendo un desafío, debido a las limitaciones estructurales y financieras que presenta el Sistema Único de Salud. Sin embargo, a partir de esta revisión integrativa y de las experiencias internacionales aquí estudiadas, se observó que existe la posibilidad de implementar la teleodontología en las Unidades Básicas de Salud del país (AU).

Primary Health Care , Oral Health/education , Dental Care , Teledentistry , COVID-19 , Brazil/epidemiology , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 8(2): e27321, mar. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1368773


Introdução:A escola é um ambiente propício para o desenvolvimento de hábitos que podem ser aplicadospor toda a vida. Nessa perspectiva, as atividades educativas com escolares podem contribuir significativamente na promoção de saúde bucal e na disseminação de bons hábitos de higiene oral, sendo alternativas capazes de instruir esses sujeitos eficientemente.Objetivo:Relatar a experiência de uma intervenção lúdica de caráter educativo realizada pela equipe de um projeto de extensão com uma turma de educação infantil em escola institucional de educação básica.Metodologia:A partir do conhecimento da faixa etária dos escolares, um jogo educativo foi desenvolvido e uma ação de caráter lúdico foi elaborada. A alimentação saudável foi a temática escolhida para ser trabalhada interdisciplinariamente à conscientização sobre o papel dos alimentos no desenvolvimento da cárie dentária e das orientações de higiene oral. Ao "brincar de fazer compras", momento em que os alunos podiam escolher quais alimentos adquirir no jogo, foi possível discorrer sobre quais dessas escolhas alimentares não eram saudáveis e também orientar os participantescom macromodelosobre a forma correta de escovação e uso dofio dental.Resultados:A interação das crianças com a atividade e com toda equipe de extensionistas foi bastante satisfatória. Foi possível verificar que os mesmos assimilaram bem os assuntos trabalhados ludicamente e foi demonstrado pela intervenção que os alunos conseguiram adquirir conhecimentos práticos sobre a saúde bucal no momento de orientação de higiene oral tanto no jogo quanto na simulação da escovação com macromodelo. Conclusões:Atividades lúdicas para escolares podem ser instrumentos capazes de transmitir conhecimentos em saúde bucal satisfatoriamente ao passo que sinalizam aspectos que devem ser desenvolvidos e incorporados no cotidiano dos indivíduos desde a mais tenra idade (AU).

Introduction: School is a conducive environment for developing habits that can be extended throughout life. From this perspective, educational activities with schoolchildren can significantly contribute to promoting oral health and to disseminate good oral hygiene habits, constituting alternatives which are capable of efficiently educating these subjects. Objective:To report the experience of a playful and educational intervention carried out by the team of an extension project with an early childhood education class in an institutional school of basic education. Methodology: An educational game was developed based on the knowledge of the age range of the school children, and a playful action was elaborated. A healthy eating theme was chosen to be worked on in an interdisciplinary way to raise awareness about the role of food in developing dental caries and oral hygiene guidelines. By "playing shopping" in which students could choose which foods to buy in a game, it was possible to discuss which of these food choices were unhealthy and also guide participants with a macromodel on the correct way of brushing and flossing. Results: The interaction of children with the activity and with the entire extension team was quite satisfactory. It was possible to verify that they had assimilated the playfully addressed issues and it was demonstrated that students were able to acquire practical knowledge about oral health during the oral hygiene orientation in both the game and in the brushing simulation with the macromodel. Conclusions:Playful activities for schoolchildren may constitute instruments which are capable of satisfactorily transmitting knowledge on oral health, and can indicate aspects which must be developed and incorporated into the daily lives of individuals from a very early age (AU).

Introducción: La escuela es un entorno favorable para el desarrollo de hábitos que pueden prolongarse a lo largo de la vida. En esta perspectiva, las actividades educativas con alumnos pueden contribuir significativamente a la promoción de salud oral y de difusión de buenas costumbres de higiene oral, siendo estas alternativas capaces de educar estos sujetos eficientemente.Objetivo:Relatar la experiencia de una intervención lúdica educativo, realizada por un equipo de un proyecto de extensión, direccionada a un grupo de educación infantil en una escuela del sistema educativo básico brasileño. Metodología: A partir del conocimiento de la franja etaria , se diseñó un juego educativo y se planeó una acción de carácter lúdico. La alimentación sana fue la temática elegida para que, de este modo, además de orientaciones de cuidados orales, también se trabajara, interdisciplinariamente, la concientización sobre la relación entre los alimentos y el surgimiento de caries dentarias. Al "jugar a las compras", momento en que los alumnos podían elegir cuales alimentos iban a adquirir, fue posible debatir sobre cuales de las opciones alimentares no eran sanas y, además de eso, orientar los participantes, con un tipodonto, sobre la forma correcta de cepillarse y de usar el hilo dental. Resultados: La interacción con la actividad y con el equipo de extensión fue muy exitosa. Fue posible verificar que los alumnos comprendieron los temas trabajados lúdicamente y también que, a través de la intervención, consiguieron alcanzar conocimientos prácticos sobre salud oral, tanto en el momento de la orientación de higiene oral cuanto en la actividad de simulación de cepillado con el apoyo del tipodonto.Conclusiones:Actividades lúdicas para niños r pueden ser instrumentos capaces de proporcionar aprendizajes sobre salud oral en la medida en que señalan aspectos que necesitan ser desarrollados en las prácticas rutineras de sujetos desde muy temprana edad (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Local Health Strategies , Child Rearing , Oral Health/education , Health Strategies , Problem-Based Learning/methods , Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing , Brazil/epidemiology , Child , Education, Primary and Secondary , Games, Recreational/psychology
Acta sci., Health sci ; 44: e53676, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363573


Maintaining a functional natural dentition plays an important role in keeping a satisfactory nutritional status. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between oral health conditions determined by the presence of edentulism and the number of missing teeth, nutritional status and consumption of nutrients by the elderly. This cross-sectional study comprised 494 independent elderly of both genders, over 60 years of age, registered at the Brazilian public health service in Londrina, southern Brazil. The data collection included: oral examinations; anthropometric measurements by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI); analysis of food consumption based on a multiple pass 24-hour dietary recall and a food intake frequency questionnaire; and structured interviews to obtain sociodemographic information. Multiple linear regression, the Fisher's Exact test, chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests, were applied at a 5% significance level. The prevalence of edentulism was 47.3%; this predominated in females, age group from 65 to 74 years, low education level and low/medium economic classification. A larger numberof underweight and fewer number of overweight elderly were recorded among the edentulous versus dentate participants (< 0.0001). Significantly lower consumption of several nutrients, as well as fruit, was recorded among the edentulous group. In particular, carbohydrates, vitamins (B1, B9 and C), and the majority of the minerals studied were associated with a larger number of missing teeth. In conclusion, tooth loss was associated with the food consumption pattern of some macro-and micronutrients and the nutritional status of the Brazilian elderly.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Oral Health/education , Nutritional Status , Tooth Loss/rehabilitation , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Dental Care for Aged/methods , Eating